Retro Review — Twenty 4 Seven

Dave Maturo
2 min readApr 21, 2020


Twenty 4 Seven — Destination Everywhere

Discovering new music is hard to do these days. Bands seem to take forever to put out new music and it’s fairly rare for a new band to release something I like. But every now and then, I unearth a gem that I somehow missed. That happened recently when I came upon Twenty 4 Seven. The band consisted of John Corabi, Bobby Blotzer and Robert Marcello. “Destination Everywhere” was released in 2002, shortly after Corabi was ousted from Motley Crue.

I love just about anything that Corabi has done, so I was pretty excited to hear this. “Due Time” starts the record and for the first 30 seconds I wondered if someone other than Corabi was singing. But then the voice kicks in and I’m in my happy place. “Due Time” has a bit of a 70s feel. Think of a heavier Cheap Trick.

“Fall Into Yourself” is next and sounds a bit more like something off the Motley Corabi record. Not quite as heavy but a good track.

“Dead Man’s Shoes” is another upbeat rocker that gives Corabi a canvas to showcase his vocals. This one has a little more of a hook to it.

“Limelight” is not a Rush cover, but the heaviest track so far. This one is just a straight ahead rocker and makes me wonder how I never heard about this album.

Next is the Beatles’ song “Something”. It’s not my favorite Beatles track but the band pretty much sticks to the original.

Other highlights include “Take Me To The Limit”, which is another hard rocker that reminiscent off of something off of The Scream record. “It’s All About You” is a mostly acoustic track which also sounds like it could have been on The Scream album.

The album closes with the Badfinger cover “No Matter What”. I’ve always appreciated that Corabi doesn’t shy away from showing off his influences. Again, the band doesn’t stray from the original track.

Being the huge Corabi fan that I am, I really like this record. I wouldn’t put it up there with the Motley Crue or Scream records, but it’s a quality slice of rock and roll with one of rock’s premier vocalists.

If you can find it, you should check it out.

90 out of 100

Track Listing

  1. Due Time
  2. Fall Into Yourself *
  3. Dead Man’s Shoes *
  4. Limelight *
  5. Something
  6. Someone I Don’t Want To Be
  7. Good Times
  8. Take Me To The Limit *
  9. It’s All About You
  10. No Matter What

*Best Songs

