Album Review — TNT

Dave Maturo
2 min readJun 19, 2018



Norwegian band TNT have been around since the late 80s with moderate success. Recently their lead singer Tony Harnell left the band (again) and was replaced by Spanish vocalist Baol Bardot Bulsara. I’m not a huge TNT fan but I do like what I’ve heard in the past so I was interested to hear what they would produce with the new vocalist.

Crap. That’s what they produced.

This album is not good. Not good at all. The first word that comes to mind when thinking of this record is shrill. Over and over, both the vocals and the guitars are ear-wreckingly high pitched. It’s very off-putting and actually caused me to turn off the stereo multiple times. It was a real chore to get through this record.

The album starts off innocently enough with “We’re Gonna Make It”. It’s pretty poppy but it’s not a terrible song. I expected something a little heavier to start off the album but I can deal with a change of pace to start the record.

It’s goes straight downhill from there. “Not Feeling Anything” has no structure and doesn’t go anywhere. The rest of the album is overdone guitar solos, high pitched screeching and poorly constructed songs. The lowest of the lows is “Get Ready for Some Hard Rock”. I guess it’s their attempt at a “For Those About To Rock We Salute You” kind of anthem, but it’s just dumb.

I understand that Harnell has a high voice and they wanted someone with similar range. Harnell was able to walk the line of high and piercing rather well. Bulsara is pretty much just piercing.

This is the worst collection of songs I’ve heard in a while. It’s really not good. After hearing the record I looked around a little and some TNT fans actually like it, so maybe it’s just me. There are a couple of songs that don’t make me immediately want to turn them off, but this album will not see my stereo again.

Overall — 40 out of 100

Track Listing

1. We’re Gonna Make It
2. Not Feeling Anything
3. Fair Warning
4. It’s Electric
5. Where You Belong
6. Can’t Breathe Anymore
7. Get Ready For Some Hard Rock
8. People, Come Together
9. Tears In My Eyes
10. 17th Of May
11. Catch A Wave
12. Sunshine



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