Album Review — The Defiants

Dave Maturo
3 min readSep 24, 2019


The Defiants — Zokusho

The Defiants are back with their second album, “Zokusho” (the sequel in Japanese), released on Frontiers Music. If you don’t know The Defiants, you likely know the band they all have previously played in. All three members were in Danger Danger at some point, and for this record, former Danger Danger drummer Steve West makes it all four.

The Defiants sound like early Danger Danger with a slightly updated sound. Listening to Zokusho brings me back to the late 80s with the big hooks and soaring guitars and vocals. At times it can border on being a little cheesy, but for the most part, it’s an hour of melodic rock happiness.

The album starts with “Love Is The Killer”. After a short intro, the song kicks in with a more modern guitar riff but by the time the chorus kicks in it’s all hook. A really strong opening track.

“Standing on the Edge” has a little techno-like intro but kicks in quickly. These first two songs have a little more edge to them. Good start to the record.

The next two tracks vintage 80s arena rock. “Hollywood In Headlights” would have been a hit in 1989. It doesn’t necessarily sound like another song, but it has that feel to it. You can just smell the AquaNet.

“Fallin’ For You” conjures the same feelings although it borders on the cheesy in the chorus with the gang vocals. But this is unadulterated 80s big hair melodic rock.

In all this nostalgia, I should say that Laine sounds great. It’s one thing to write music that sounds like the 80s, but you have to pull it off. The band sounds top notch and Laine can hit all the notes.

“Hold On Tonite” is the first slower song on the record. I wouldn’t call it a ballad so much but it’s definitely a change of pace. Not a bad song, just not a standout.

“Allnighter” is a little heavier. It has more of a Dr. Feelgood-era Motley Crue sound to it. It definitely gets the album going again after the change of pace.

“U X’d My Heart” is as close to cheesy (if not over the line) as the album gets. It starts with a 45 second slower guitar intro and then it’s back into the melodic rockin’.

“It Goes Fast” is my favorite track on the record. It sounds a bit more updated to me with an almost Foo Fighters feel at the start. Much of the record sounds like a celebration on the heyday of 80s rock, but this one is more about how fast time goes by. One of my favorite tracks of the year.

“Alive” is another strong track and probably should have ended the record. It’s a feel good rocker that builds and builds.

The album actually ends with “Drink Up!”, which to me doesn’t really fit the record. Back in the day, every band needed that party song and this is theirs. It’s not a bad song, just not sure it fits.

Being a child of the 80s that grew up on this stuff, I really enjoy this record. It reminds me of that era without being stuck there. Sure, they may go too far a couple of times, but that was part of the era. The band sounds great, Laine can still hit all the notes and there are some really good songs here.

If you want to hear what great 80s hard rock would sound like today, this is a good place to start.

90 out of 100

Track Listing

1. Love Is The Killer *
2. Standing On The Edge
3. Hollywood In Headlights *
4. Fallin’ For You
5. Hold On Tonite
6. Allnighter
7. U X’d My Heart
8. It Goes Fast *
9. Stay
10. Alive *
11. Drink Up!

*Best Songs



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