Album Review — Switchfoot

Dave Maturo
2 min readJan 22, 2019


Switchfoot — Native Tongue

Switchfoot is back with their 11th album, this one titled “Native Tongue”. January is usually a slow month when it comes to record releases but this is at least the second album they have released recently in the month of January, possibly hoping with little else being released they would get more run.

I’ve liked since their early days and although I don’t love every album, they are usually good for a some quality songs on each record. “Native Tongue” is no different. If you are a Switchfoot fan I think you’ll like a lot that this record has to offer.

The opening track, “Let It Happen”, is classic Switchfoot. Upbeat and borderline anthemic with Foreman sounding as good as ever. “Let It Happen” sounds like it could have been on “The Beautiful Letdown”.

There are other strong tracks on the record. “All I Need” has a U2 sound to it with the reverb guitar running through the chorus. “Joy Invincible” might be my favorite song on the record. Foreman is a great storyteller and that comes through on “Joy Invincible”.

“Prodigal Soul” and “The Strength To Let Go” are also very good songs that I find myself humming along to. “Take My Fire” features up front guitar on what is easily the heaviest song on a relatively mellow record.

It would be a stretch to call this record “Hard Rock”, but as a fan of the band I enjoy this record. There are a couple of songs that veer away from what you might expect from Switchfoot which I like, even if I don’t love those particular songs. I like when bands try something new for a song or two on a record. It shows they are still willing to experiment and grow.

If you like Swtichfoot, “Native Tongue” is definitely worth a listen. If you are disappointed I didn’t review the new Arch Enemy record this week, you should probably steer clear of this one.

Overall — 85 out of 100

Track Listing

  1. Let It Happen *
  2. Native Tongue
  3. All I Need *
  4. Voices
  5. Dig New Streams
  6. Joy Invincible *
  7. Prodigal Soul *
  8. The Hardest Art (Feat. Kaela Sinclair)
  9. Wonderful Feeling
  10. Take My Fire
  11. The Strength To Let Go
  12. Oxygen
  13. We’re Gonna Be Alright
  14. You’re The One I Want *

*Best Songs



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