Album Review — Slash

Dave Maturo
3 min readFeb 16, 2022


Slash featuring Myles Kennedy — 4

Slash is back along with Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators with the album simply titled “4”. “4” is the follow up to the band’s 2018 release “Living The Dream”.

Myles Kennedy is a busy man. Not only does he handles vocals for Slash, but he fronts Alter Bridge and releases music as a solo artist. I imagine he’s due at some point to work with George Lynch who is equally as busy.

The album starts with a riff that sounds like it could have been pulled from a Guns ‘n Roses record. The thing with Slash is you know when it’s him when you hear that guitar. There aren’t a lot of players you can say that about. “The River is Rising” is a strong start that’s both heavy and catchy.

“Whatever Gets You By” has a short drum intro followed by a sleazy riff. Kennedy has the vocal ability to sing low or incredibly high, much like Axl Rose once had. He uses his lower register in this one.

“C’est La Vie” begins with what sounds like a talk box guitar. This one reminds me a little more of an Alter Bridge track and is one of my favorite tracks on the record.

“The Path Less Followed” and “Actions Speak Louder Than Words” are both quality tracks but not standouts for me. The latter having a little bluesy swing to it.

“Fill My World” is my favorite track on the record. It’s has an almost “Sweet Child of Mine” type of riff that runs through the entire song. Kennedy is a true talent that can sing anything but he really shines on these more melodic tracks where he can really stretch his range. I really like this song.

“April Fool” and “Call Off The Dogs” each feature some cool riffs from Slash that the songs are build around. The guy certainly knows how to write a riff, that’s for sure. When you hear either song you know it’s him playing.

The album closes with the six plus minute epic “Fall Back To Earth”. At points this one reminds me of an old school Journey song and at other points I’m reminded of one of the epic tracks off the “Use Your Illusion” albums. Kennedy takes full advantage and shows off his pipes at the appropriate times.

I like this record. The top three songs are really great and the rest of the album is solid. To be honest, I’m partial to the Alter Bridge and Kennedy solo stuff, but Slash’s riffs do bring a certain quality to this record. And while I’m being honest, I’d much rather Slash spend his time with Myles than doing another G n R record. But that’s just me.

I’ll definitely be spending a little more time with this record and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one of those records that grows on me over time.

90 out of 100

Track Listing

  1. The River Is Rising *
  2. Whatever Gets You By
  3. C’est La Vie *
  4. The Path Less Followed
  5. Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  6. Spirit Love
  7. Fill My World *
  8. April Fool
  9. Call Off The Dogs
  10. Fall Back To Earth *

*Best Songs



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