Album Review — Sainted Sinners

Dave Maturo
1 min readMar 7, 2018


Sainted Sinners — Back With A Vengeance

Sainted Sinners is a fairly new band featuring former Accept vocalist David Reece. Reece has teamed up with Bonfire guitarist Frank Pane to release two records in two years. Back With A Vengeance isn’t groundbreaking but it’s a solid hard rock record. Pane sounds like he can really play, reminding me of Yngwie at times. Reece sounds good and the songs have a modernized Deep Purple sound.

There are some good songs here, especially Waitin’ Til The Countdown Begins. The bands sounds good and the production is high quality. For me, there isn’t a lot that stands out. It’s a good record, but not one that will demand multiple spins in the player. Fans of Reece will surely like the record and fans of Deep Purple/Whitesnake will appreciate the style of the band. Good but not great.

Grade — 75 out of 100


  1. Rise Like A Phoenix

2. Burnin The Candle

3. Back With A Vengeance

4. Tell Me I Was Wrong *

5. Nothin Left To Lose

6. Waitin’ Til The Countdown Begins *

7. Let It Go *

8. When The Hammer Falls

9. Pretty Little Lies

10. Gone But Not Forgotten

  • = Best Songs



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