Album Review — Pretty Maids

Dave Maturo
2 min readNov 19, 2019


Pretty Maids — Undress Your Madness

If you are like me, you are always on the lookout for new music. The first time I heard of the band Pretty Maids was a few years ago when I checked out the Nordic Union release. I was interested because of Erik Martensson of Eclipse, but after hearing the vocals of Ronnie Atkins I checked out Pretty Maids. Turns out, Pretty Maids have been together for nearly 40 years and they are back with a new record, “Undress Your Madness”.

Unfortunately, the release has come with the terrible news that Atkins is battling lung cancer which will likely impact any touring they might have had planned. But “Undress Your Madness” is worth your time to check out.

I would put the sound of Pretty Maids squarely in the hard rock genre with a melodic emphasis, similar to bands like Eclipse and the Nordic Union releases.

The album starts with a short intro followed by the fairly heavy and fairly angry “Serpentine”.

An album highlight comes early as “Firesoul Fly” is a melodic gem. Atkins has a bit of a rougher voice and at times reminds me of Blackie Lawless, but he’s smooth enough to sing this melodic rocker.

The title track is another rocker similar to “Serpentine”. There’s a bit of a modern sound on a few of the tracks and even a little keyboards at times.

Another album highlight is “Will You Still Kiss Me” with its infectious chorus but it has enough punch to keep it from being sappy.

“Runaway World” is another quality track that’s got enough meat to it but plenty of melody.

“Shadowlands” and album closer “Strength of a Rose” are two more quality melodic tracks.

The album is about half heavier tracks and half more melodic tracks. I lean toward the more melodic tracks as I think Atkins’ voice holds up a little better but there isn’t a bad track on the record.

If you haven’t heard Pretty Maids and you like the more melodic hard rock coming out of Europe and from Frontiers Records, you should definitely give this one a listen. And while you are at it, give the two Nordic Union records a listen.

Let’s all hope that Atkins beats cancer and we will get to hear more from Pretty Maids in the future.

85 out of 100

Track Listing

1. Intro
2. Serpentine
3. Firesoul Fly *
4. Undress Your Madness
5. Will You Still Kiss Me (If I See You in Heaven) *
6. Runaway World *
7. If You Want Peace (Prepare for War)
8. Slavedriver
9. Shadowlands *
10. Black Thunder
11. Strength of a Rose

*Best Songs



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