Album Review — Nordic Union

Dave Maturo
2 min readNov 13, 2018


Nordic Union — Second Coming

Nordic Union’s sophomore release, Second Coming, is one of my most anticipated albums of the year. I really liked their first record and everything that guitarist/songwriter Erik Martensson touches I love, from his own band Eclipse to the supergroup W.E.T. (with Jeff Scott Soto). Martensson teams up with veteran singer Ronnie Atkins of Pretty Maids to follow up their 2016 self-titled debut.

From the first few bars of the opening track “My Fear & My Faith” to the closing huge chorus of the album closer “Outrun You”, this album is straight out melodic rock. There’s not a lot of twists and turns, not a ton of complexity, just a lot of hooks and melodic guitar and vocals.

“Second Coming” is solid all the way through. It has great flow as the album starts off with four upbeat guitar driven tracks. Each have huge hooks but have their own unique sound. “New Life Begins” slows it down a little but still maintains momentum. “The Final War” is probably the heaviest song on the record but still features lots of melody. “Die Together” slows it back down just a little but doesn’t break the flow.

I’ve listened through the record a few times now and if I have any critique it’s that there isn’t that one song that stands out and sticks in your head. That might be because every song is so good. At this moment the song I like most is “Outrun You” but each time through the record that has changed.

For me, this album is one of the top two or three I’ve heard this year. It’s everything I want in a rock record. Strong guitars and vocals, great songwriting, huge hooks and great sound. This record reminds me of my youth listening to records in my room. It fits right in without sounding too much like anyone else. I’ve heard that Dave Grohl might save rock and rock, but if you’re looking for someone to bring back melodic rock, Erik Martensson might be that guy. He’s that good.

Overall — 95 out of 100

Track Listing

  1. My Fear & My Faith *
  2. Because Of Us *
  3. It Burns
  4. Walk Me Through The Fire *
  5. New Life Begins *
  6. The Final War
  7. Breathtaking *
  8. Rock’s Still Rolling
  9. Die Together
  10. The Best Thing I Never Had *
  11. Outrun You *

*Best Songs



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