Album Review — Faithsedge

Dave Maturo
2 min readJul 29, 2019


Faithsedge — Bleed For Passion

One of the challenges for bands these days is to get their music into the hands of the people. Faithsedge released their fourth record this past week and it’s the first time I’ve heard of the band. The main singer/songwriter, Giancarlo Floridia, isn’t a name I’m familiar with but he’s pulled in some big names including Timothy Gaines (Stryper), Alex De Rosso (Dokken) and Matt Starr (Mr. Big).

The album has been billed as a return to the late 80s/early 90s melodic rock sound with lyrics that reflect modern times. That’s a smart way to promote a record, but the question is can they pull it off?

From the opening riff of the first song, “Back From This”, this album is very guitar forward. De Rosso played lead for Dokken on tour for about two years, so the guy can play. The song does sound similar to what you’d hear in the late 80s with a slightly updated sound. Floridia’s voice is solid if not overly distinct.

There are some quality songs on the record. “Angelic” is the lead single and is quite melodic. “Acceptance” has a similar sound with a big chorus. “Through The Scars” is another quality rock song. “Sky” is another album highlight.

The formula for this record works. The band is tight and De Rosso’s playing is high quality and stands out. The songs are quite melodic and Floridia’s voice is good. If anything, the songs might be too formulaic. They tend to sound the same with little variance other than the ballad. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but over 49 minutes it starts to lose my attention.

The individual parts don’t always add up to a great whole, and I think that happens a little here. I certainly can’t complain about the individual performances here and it is possible I need a little time for these songs to grow on me. I do like this record, but I feel like I should like it more.

For now I’ll say it’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you like that late 80s/early 90s arena rock sound. It’s earned a few more spins in my player.

85 out of 100.

Track Listing

1. Back From This
2. Angelic *
3. Acceptance *
4. Through The Scars
5. I Know I Need To Let You Go
6. Girl When
7. Sky *
8. I’ve Changed *
9. Bleeding With The Memories
10. Reflecting A Voice

*Best Songs



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