Album Review — Enuff Z’nuff
Enuff Z’nuff — Diamond Boy
I’ll be straight from the get-go. I wasn’t a huge Enuff Z’nuff fan back when they were selling lots of records. I knew a few songs but they were a little too psychedelic/glam for me. But listening to the new record I think there’s some good things here.
First off, their sound isn’t that different from what I remember. Think 70s Bowie meets late 60s Beatles wth 80s hair guitar riffs. So musically, their style hasn’t changed much. And just about every song has a reference to “Mary Jane” or some other drug reference, so that’s pretty consistent too from their past.
The main difference in the band is the vocalist. Chip Z’nuff is now singing lead and he’s got a different voice than original singer Donnie Vie. Z’nuff’s voice is much lower and definitely has a different sound than Vie had. He doesn’t sound bad, just not the same.
There are some good songs here. “Where Did You Go” almost sounds like a could be a King’s X song, and that’s a good thing. “We’re All The Same” has a poppy/psychedelic feel. Metalheart has a cool guitar riff running through and actually fits Z’nuff’s current voice really well. “Faith, Hope. Love” is not a King’s X cover song but it’s still pretty good.
If you are a Enuff Z’nuff fan, there’s enough here for you to pick this one up. I do like the songs in general and the band sounds good. For me, it’s good but not great.
Overall — 75 out of 100
Track Listing
2. Diamond Boy
3. Where Did You Go *
4. We’re All The Same *
5. Fire & Ice
6. Down On Luck
7. Metalheart *
8. Love Is On The Line *
9. Faith, Hope & Luv *
10. Dopesick
11. Imaginary Man
*Best Songs