Album Review — Bulletboys

Dave Maturo
2 min readApr 2, 2018


Bulletboys — From Out of the Skies

The Bulletboys are not the same band you might remember from 1988 when they debuted their self-titled album. The band has only one original member, singer/guitarist Marq Torien. I really like their debut record, but to be honest, I haven’t listened to a lot of their music since that record. Anyone like me that hasn’t kept up with the band will be a little surprised to hear the band sounds as much Foo Fighters as they do Van Halen.

For me, the album hits its stride starting at track 3. From Out of the Skies sounds like it could be a Foo Fighters song from the late 90s. Hi-Fi Drive By is a good mid-tempo song with a big chorus. And Losing End Again took me by surprise as a mostly acoustic song. Torien sounds good in this new style — much less screechy and strained.

“Sucker Punch” is a little funky, reminds me of Living Colour a little bit. “Switchblade Butterfly” is another all acoustic song and the album closes with the ballad “Once Upon A Time” which is an album highlight.

From Out of the Skies is not what I expected at all, but overall I like it. The best songs on the record, in my opinion, are the slower tempo songs. If you don’t expect to hear “Smooth Up” and have an open mind to something different, I think you might dig it.

Grade — 85 out of 100

Track Listing

01. Apocalypto
02. D-Evil
03. From Out Of The Skies *
04. Hi-Fi Drive By *
05. Losing End Again *
06. Whatcha Don’t
07. P.R.A.B.
08. Sucker Punch
09. Switchblade Butterfly *
10. Once Upon A Time *

*Best Songs



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