#18 — Circa Survive — The Amulet
I was anticipating a different album making the Top 25 and it didn’t come out until a few weeks ago, but when I heard that record it just wasn’t very good. I had reserved a spot on the list and now I needed to find something to take its place.
I started going through my iTunes for bands I like and a few had new records I either missed or didn’t hear. Styx, Black Country Communion, Europe and a couple others. But nothing stood out. I remember that I wanted to listen to the new Circa Survive record. I had never heard anything from them but they were opening for Thrice on this current tour so I thought I may like them if they are anything like Thrice.
My first impression is the singer’s voice is too high. We are talking Billy Corgan high. But after getting used to it, I really like the record. So much so that it climbed up the rankings with only a few listens. They sound like a cross of Mae and Thrice with a little Anberlin. The more I listen and the more I get used to the vocals, the more I like this record. With a few more listens this one could sneak into the Top 10.
One of the things I love about music is there is always a new band to discover. Now I can go back and listen to their other records and find even more new music. If you are into melodic but modern rock, give Circa Survive a listen.